Why Handling Your Own Social Media Marketing is Not a Good Plan

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If you own a small business, you undoubtedly have heard how important it is for you to utilize the Internet for your interactions and advertising with the public. Gone are the days when a savvy entrepreneur could depend solely upon the marketing methods of the past. In order to remain competitive in the current market, it is vital that you have a website, blog and the appropriate social media accounts so that you can get your brand name out there.


Even though all of this is incredibly vital to the world of business, it is generally more than what a business owner can take on by themselves. Even those who are operating a small company with a very limited budget should allocate some funds toward hiring experts to assist them with the online marketing aspect of the company.

Business owners like yourself have a great many tasks to handle each day in order to keep the company operating smoothly. If you do not have the skills and knowledge related to social media marketing, you may end up doing the business reputation more harm than good.


One of the reasons that you do not want to attempt to handle your social media marketing on your own is that it is incredibly time consuming, especially if you are doing it by yourself. Your accounts need regular updates with relevant, well-constructed text and images. Most business owners do not spend sufficient time writing to AP guidelines, to comfortably navigate the rules related to online content. However, those that specialize in the online marketing arena do. It is better to allow them to determine the appropriate text, rather than to have your content appear anything less than professional.

Choosing Content

Not only that, determining what content to post, and when, is a time consuming endeavour. There are plenty of tools to help you when it comes to marketing online. However, if you are going to attempt to do this yourself, rather than hiring someone else that has experience with the tools, then you will have to invest a significant amount of time in learning how to interpret the data presented by each of them.

Since it is unlikely that you are going to use that training beyond your own business, it would be a better use of your time to focus on your specialties, while outsourcing tasks such as this.

Constantly Changing 

Another problem that arises with business owners who attempt to manage all of their online marketing campaigns alone is that the field is continually changing. Because the Internet is so new to the world of advertising, it is evolving every day. The trends that work one year may fall flat the next. Trying to keep up with all of that can be challenging, because there are so many different ways that your content may need to change over time.

For instance, Google is the most popular search engine in the world, and everyone makes sure that their websites are optimized for the site if they want their business to rank well. The site changes the algorithm they use regularly, causing havoc at times for companies that had optimized toward the previous system. Those who work in the industry often know about the trends that are likely to take place, and can help you to prepare for them so that you will not experience a disruption in traffic over something like that.


Choosing Networks 

Additionally, it can be a challenge for business owners to know which social media sites to rely upon.

Although it may seem obvious that you need to have a presence on sites like Facebook, you should never depend on the trending site of the day alone. Otherwise, you could end up with all of your marketing efforts being lost one day. Think about all of the bands that focused their interactions with listeners through MySpace. When people quit using the site, those who had not found other ways to reach out were in a very bad position.

You never want to put all of your social media marketing eggs in one basket.

Reputation Management

Another challenge related to advertising online is making sure that you have a good brand reputation.

Depending upon the nature of your company, you need to be sure that you have the right stuff posted to promote good public relations. While it may be tempting to think that you can handle this on your own, there are many business owners who regret handling their own responses and ads on social media because they allow themselves to post based upon an emotional response rather than considering how it will influence business relations.

You would never want for one of your comments to be taken out of context and make it to viral status. It can be difficult to overcome negative PR.


As an entrepreneur, there are so many things that you have to keep up with in order to ensure that your business is successful. One of these is proper marketing. However, just like you hire an accountant to ensure that your finances are managed properly, it is virtually always a good choice to hire a marketing expert in order to handle your online presence.

You will find that the investment is well worth it; you are free to focus on other aspects of your business, knowing that your online reputation and advertising is taken care of.

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