Best sites to Buy Facebook Likes UK

3 Best sites to Buy Facebook Likes UK Facebook Twitter Pinterest Growing Social Media Buy More Fans The Social Savior Compare Features Below: Real People from the UK British Names Active Followers Free Refills Money-Back Guarantee Instant Delivery Speed of Delivery Slower Delivery Option £19 /from Visit Website 2 days Yes You have to request […]
5 Facebook Tips and Tricks for Small Businesses Looking to Get Ahead

It’s a dog eat dog world out there, and no one knows this better than small business owners. Competition among businesses is fierce, and finding ways to get ahead can be challenging. In terms of ways to get ahead, Facebook may be one of the best utilities available for small business entrepreneurs. As the most […]
Facebook Live for Bars, Cafes, and Restaurants

Facebook Live is yet another new function on the king-pin of social media, and it’s yet another way for bars, cafes, and restaurants to reach an audience – old or new. Put simply, the Live feature allows you to stream video live to your Facebook page so followers can watch in real-time. It then stays […]
How to Improve Your Facebook Engagement in 10 Easy Steps

Posting content to Facebook is just the first step in the social media marketing game. The real power is in the engagement. When people interact with your social media page they’re connecting with you and your brand, and you’re building and fostering community. It’s also the best way to organically reach new audiences. When someone […]
How Facebook Decides What’s Trending

You may have recently noticed a new feature on your Facebook side bar; a little panel called “Trending.” So, what is this new feature and how does Facebook decide what’s trending? What is the new feature called Trending and how do I use it? Only currently featured on the desktop platform, not the mobile app, you’ll […]
7 Little Known – but Incredibly Handy – Facebook Features for Marketing

With nigh-on 2 billion members at last check, Facebook continues to be by far the most dominant social network. It has done this by continually breaking new ground in the world of social media, and nowhere is this more evident than in the realm of marketing. Facebook is an incredible tool for marketers, and far […]
The 5 Keys to Providing Great Customer Service on Facebook

The Facebook page of modern day businesses is now just as viable and accepted a communication platform as a phone number or email address. Your customers expect that you’ll see their communiqué and will respond to it in good time. In fact, most customers prefer Facebook, particularly if their message is a negative one, as […]
Best Marketing Practices for Restaurants on Facebook

“Everyone Poops”, announces the classic children’s book of the same name. This is a brilliant thing for restaurants, as it means that everyone also eats. And currently almost 2 billion of these food loving people – over a quarter of humanity and a far greater percentage of the developed world – can be found on […]
What Are the Best Ways to Advertise on Facebook?
When you want a fast track way to connect with potential customers, Facebook is a tool you simply can’t live without. This top social media empire offers endless options for businesses that want to advertise. There’s no doubt that your business should be advertising on Facebook. The only real question is how? With multiple options […]
Using Facebook as a Marketing Tool

There are many different ways a business can acquire new customers online. Social media is becoming an increasingly popular option for doing so. Facebook is the largest social media company in the world. Using Facebook as a marketing tool makes a lot of sense for your business. The first thing that a new business will […]