Are the Right People Following You on Twitter?

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When it comes to posting on social media, you should focus on quality more than quantity. In other words, it’s better to post a few interesting and engaging things a week rather than to post links to your products and services that no-one wants to read every two minutes. The latter is simply exhausting and can be quite annoying.

So quality over quantity is a good byword here. And actually, you should also follow this maxim when you’re getting followers on Twitter – or any social media account for that matter.

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Why You Need to Discriminate

Many people will judge their success on Twitter by the number of followers they have alone. If they have lots of people subscribed to their account, then they’ll take this as a “win” and they’ll consider themselves to be successful.

But mere numbers do not paint the whole picture. What’s just as important, or even more important, is that you have the right people following you. So who is “the right person?”

For starters, the right people will be targeted. That means that they are going to be interested in the subject that you’re posting about and thus potentially to buy your products. This is why buying followers or “tricking” people into following you isn’t particularly useful; it is far more valuable to have an audience that actually wants to read what you post and that will thus be much more receptive to your marketing.

At the same time, you also need people who are actively using Twitter, who engage with what they read and who retweet and share. This way you can grow your audience and you can build a relationship with your readers. If you aren’t doing this, you might well have a list of followers who never log onto Twitter or who have lost your details. Then you might as well be posting to an empty room…

How to Assess Your Followers

You should be able to tell whether your followers are engaging with your content. If you are regularly getting new followers, if your posts are being retweeted and if people are messaging you, then all these things are signs that you have an active and relevant audience.

On the other hand though, if you aren’t getting much interaction it means your follower list is either very small, or isn’t very high quality.

To find out more, you can try using a number of tools…


SocialRank tells you which of your Twitter followers is the most ‘valuable’ to you in terms of their engagement and the number of followers they have. This means, you can find the people who are most likely to retweet what you have to say and the people who are most likely to be able to reach a large audience when they do this.


FollowerWonk meanwhile gives you more information about your audience in terms of when they are most active, how active they are and what kind of content they respond best to.

Bear all this in mind when building your audience and make sure that your strategies are going to help you find targeted, engaged viewers.

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