7 Creative Ways to Publish Social Media Updates

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What is worth posting on social media?

A question as old as time itself, if we presume, like your Facebook timeline, that time began 10 years ago. The answer to that question changes markedly depending on who you ask. To a 14-year-old, the answer might be the purchase of a fresh juice. To a 40-year-old technophobe, there may be large question marks hanging over whether to post about the fact they just got married or some other huge life event.

Horses for courses.

Social media for organizations is a slightly different kettle of fish. There is a need to stay active on social media in the interests of your brand. As such, some social media managers may soon find themselves running out of things to post about.

Never fear – we’ve got you covered. Here are seven creative ideas that will help fill your organization’s social wall.


Employee and Company Milestones

Is Debbie in accounts celebrating three years with the company? Has it been a decade since you moved into your current building? These milestones are perfect social media fodder.

Showing a human side to your business, giving otherwise unseen company cogs a bit of time in the sun, and celebrating company achievements are all great ways to give a follower a reason to care about your organization.


A top 10 list of something related to your organization’s industry is a fun posting option. “Top 10 (industry) Instagram accounts to follow” or “Top 10 (Industry) books that everyone should read” are fun ways to generate involvement from your audience. You’re also providing your subscribers with valuable information, reassuring them that following you was a good decision.

Funny Happenings (Even If They’re Mistakes!)

Humanising your organization by posting about funny goings-on – an office prank, a silly miscommunication, blonde moments – will make your brand far more relatable. By being self-aware and open about your mistakes your audience will think of you less as a corporate machine, and more as a friendly and fun brand that they’d quite enjoy doing business with.

mobile-phone-1564184_1920Promote Thought Leaders and Influencers

Your next social media post could well be more of a calculated move. If you feel as though there is an industry mover and shaker who your audience would get value from following (ideally not a direct competitor), mention them in a post. Most social media platforms will send them a notification that they’ve been tagged, and this may prompt them to return that particular favor.

Run a Competition

Who likes free stuff? Everyone likes free stuff. Running a competition is a sure-fire way to gain more exposure – particularly if the competition requires a “like”, “retweet” or “share” in order to enter. The prize doesn’t have to be particularly grand either. Something exciting but of middling value (a meat tray, a month’s gym membership, a pair of shoes) can provide a spectacular return on investment for those willing to give it a try.

Highlight Unexpected Holidays

A fun option that doesn’t require any unique content, simply mentioning that it is “International Talk Like a Pirate Day” or “National Something on a Stick Day” (March 28th for those playing at home) can be a great way to generate conversation on your social media account. This comprehensive list should be all that you need to fill in those blank spots on your social media posting calendar.


Ask a Question

A tactic best used sparingly, why not get some value from your social media accounts yourself by asking questions of your audience?

You could ask for thoughts on a new product or service, or try to get an idea of the sort of corporate event that your audience would likely attend. Platforms such as Facebook incorporate a handy polling feature that allows you to collate and review data super easily. Get your social accounts working for you!

When it comes to social media posts, variety is the spice of life. If you restrict your posts too much, your audience will disengage and lose interest.

But if you’re creative and keep your followers on their toes, the sky’s the limit for your social accounts!

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