5 Reasons Small Businesses Can’t Afford Not to Outsource SEO

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If you own a business, it is likely that you have some kind of online presence. It might be a Facebook page, a Twitter account, or a full blown website with lots of content and an active blog. Whatever your online face, you rely on search engine optimization to get visitors to that virtual storefront and even companies that have not been able to afford SEO services in the past have to squeeze their budget somehow because they can’t afford not to hire an SEO services team. Here are five reasons why.

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Telephone Directories Are Obsolete

When is the last time you saw a telephone directory? It probably wasn’t too recently. Most houses these days don’t even own a telephone directory and anyone who was born after 1990 probably isn’t sure exactly what they are. Looking through the telephone book for someone’s number in the white pages used to be a frustrating and time-consuming ordeal. The print was tiny and you had to spend several minutes finding the number that you wanted – if it was listed at all.

The yellow pages weren’t much better. Companies receive prominence depending upon how much money they had paid for their advertisement and that meant that the company that you wanted was probably under the really tiny type – under one of the categories you didn’t know they were listed in.

Now, there is the internet. You can look up any listing you want instantly on your smartphone. You don’t even have to type it in, you can simply use voice commands, and that means that companies who haven’t optimized to make sure that their listing information is correct and that someone can find it easily, are going to lose money. Hiring an SEO expert has many advantages, but you can’t argue with the fact that if you don’t do search engine optimization, you may not even get listed on the local search results.

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Traffic to Your Website Equals Profits

Maybe you don’t sell anything on your website. Maybe you don’t even have much of a website to speak of. Why would you need search engine optimization to increase your profits? Because when people consider buying a product or service from you, the first thing that they are going to do is Google you and check out your website.

That’s alongside the fact that in the future you are going to want a well-designed website that is prominent in the search engine results for your particular industry. You may want to sell your product or service from your website and when you do, you’ll have a major head start if you have already had an SEO professional do on-site and off-site optimization to boost your rankings.

Review Sites Are Used Extensively

You have probably heard of Yelp and other review sites that are out there. No matter what kind of industry you are in, there is a review site that goes along with it. When people want to buy a product or service from you, they are going to go to the web and check you out. It is second nature to the newest generation, who seem almost supernaturally connected to Google and social media websites.

Part of the job of an SEO professional is to make sure that you are listed on the review sites, that all of your information is accurate and up to date, and that you have enough positive reviews that someone who is looking you up to make a decision as to whether or not to buy from you will have no problem spending money at your store.

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SEO is an Investment Not a Payment

The fourth reason that you need to start SEO now is that it is an investment. The internet isn’t going away, it will only get bigger and more complex. Investing in search engine optimization is sort of like owning a lemonade stand made out of an old cart, and purchasing a few bricks at a time so that you can eventually build a lemonade store that will support all of your customers and allow you to grow.

That’s exactly what you’ll need to do to survive in the coming decades. The internet is just going to keep growing and every dollar you invest in SEO now is going to come back to you tenfold in the next few decades.

Social Media Requires SEO 

Finally, the odds are good that you use social media. You might have a Facebook page, a Twitter account or you might upload pictures to Instagram or pin your products to Pinterest. Whatever social media you use, you will benefit from SEO. An SEO expert will make sure that your sites are linked together and that people who look for you on Twitter after seeing you on Facebook will actually find your Twitter page and not a similar one, plus there are a myriad of other things that SEO experts can do for you or help you do.

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