Let’s face it, there’s a lot of social media platforms out there these days. You’ve just mastered Facebook when someone implores you to join Instagram. Another business owner tells you that if you’re not on LinkedIn then you’re a downright fool. And then someone else tells you that Twitter is where it’s at. It’s enough to find yourself wondering: does my business really need a presence on all of these platforms?
The answer is: yeah, pretty much. Each social media platform has its unique differences that offer unique angles and opportunities to promote your business. Having presence across multiple platforms allows you to capitalize on all of these marketing opportunities, as well as establishing a solid online presence on which to boost your website traffic and search engine rankings.
Pinterest is an essential platform to have in your social media repertoire because users are there to buy things. A study by Millward Brown showed that 93 percent of people use Pinterest to plan for a purchase, and 87 percent used Pinterest to help them decide. This just shows how valuable Pinterest is as a marketing tool for your business. But marketing your business on Pinterest effectively isn’t as straightforward as creating pins and boards that say BUY THIS NOW. So, here’s some quick tips on how to market your business on Pinterest successfully.
Connect With Other Social Media and Your Website
Converting Pinterest views, likes, re-pins and followers into actual buyers and sales relies on getting customers onto your business website. Make sure your profile is your business name and has a snappy About Me section, including a link to your website. Connect your Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and other social media accounts to your Pinterest account. When you pin things, opt to have it share on Facebook as well to really increase the reach of the pin.
Remember – It’s All About Visuals
When you create content for your website, think about how it can be shared on Pinterest. Remember: if there’s no picture on a page, it can’t be pinned. You could write the most interesting and captivating post about a new chair that you’re selling and have the reader really convinced, but if there’s no picture there’s no way they can pin it to their “Chairs Wishlist” board (it’s also just terrible web design!). The prettier the picture, the more likely they are to pin it, too.
Pinterest is a very visual space and users want their boards to be visually appealing. Think to yourself, “is this picture Pin-able?”, when you’re choosing images for your post.
Collaborate With Your Boards
Once you’re more familiar with the intricacies of Pinterest and have a following that includes clients and affiliates, you can start creating boards where other people can post. Using collaborative boards (where you can moderate, so you still have control) is a great way to cast your net wider and to network amongst your industry. Use these boards to showcase star clients, to let people post testimonials, or to show your product or service in action.
Use Your Boards to Show You’re A Leader in Your Field
How you use your account is particularly important. As previously stated – only posting blatant advertising is going to lose people’s attention rapidly. You need to use your boards and your pins wisely to gather followers and respect, and to position yourself as an expert in your field. Stay on top of current trends in your field and pin informative content to become a trusted source of information in this area.
Use Analytics
Like with every social media platform, it’s important to use an analytics app or tool to measure the engagement and effectiveness of your posts. With this information you can tailor your future pins and boards to maximum effectiveness. Stay abreast of what’s trending with pinners to keep your boards current and relevant. Analysis is crucial for making sure your marketing is hitting the mark, otherwise you’re pinning in the dark.
Pinterest is the social media platform where people are ripe and ready to make purchases, it’s an essential element of your social media marketing campaign. Creating a visually appealing, relevant, engaging account that establishes you as a leader in your field and connects with clients and affiliates is essential. Connect with your other social media accounts and stay abreast of trends and what boards are working for you. That’s how you’ll make your Pinterest marketing work for you.