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Ten years ago, blogging was mainly reserved for aspiring writers and stay-at-home moms. Now that has changed. Blogs are a smart way to populate your website with valuable content and keep your customers updated on all the latest news about your business.


By adding a blog to your website, you are essentially creating a whole new platform where you can regularly interact with your customers and build an ongoing relationship. It’s pretty easy to start a blog, but the real work comes in managing it. Here are five tips to help you manage your blog in a smart way and get the most marketing momentum.

#1. Know Your Audience

If you want readers to return again and again, you have to understand what they are looking for and provide them with serious value. Your ultimate goal should be to post regular updates that are actually useful to your readers.

Take some time to really think about your target audience. What are their interests? What are they searching for? How can you meet their needs? Use these questions to drive you as you add new posts.

#2. Be Consistent

Why would anyone visit your blog if you only update it once or twice a year? If you want to build a regular readership, you need to post content consistently. That could be daily or maybe only weekly, but whatever schedule you decide on, stick to it!

If you find it difficult to get posts scheduled regularly, spend some time creating a good stockpile of blog posts and then schedule them to appear on future dates.

#3. Shake Things Up

You want your blog to be consistent, but don’t be too predictable. Shake things up from time to time to keep things fun and interesting. Alternate the kind of content you post. Share a mix of company news, tutorials that would appeal to your target audience, product reviews, and links to valuable resources on other websites.

Vary the length of your blog posts too. Some readers want to just skim articles quickly and others want a detailed post with tons of information. Cater to both types of readers by switching up the kind of blog posts you publish.

#4. Interact With Your Readers

When readers take time to comment on your blog, take the opportunity to write a quick comment back. It’s a personal touch that only takes a short moment, but it goes a long way to building a relationship of trust.


As your blog grows, you won’t be able to reply to every single comment and you shouldn’t or it will feel forced and unauthentic. However, even the largest blogs should still make it a priority to reply to comments that are particularly engaging.

#5. Keep Things Organized

When you start blogging on a regular basis, it won’t be long before you have a flood of content available to new readers. This can feel overwhelming, particularly if there is no way to find the information that is most relevant. An easy solution is to attach labels to each post to categorize them and organize them accordingly.

Adding labels is also a smart way to attach a targeted search term to your blog post. Search engines use these labels to better understand what your posts are about and to send the right traffic towards your website.

With these five simple guidelines, you can manage your blog without a lot of stress and hassle. Blogging doesn’t have to be an overwhelming process! Just take it one step at a time and eventually, you will start to notice a major difference in your traffic and reader engagement.


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