3 Methods For Building Quality White Hat Links For Free

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The following is a guest post from David Schneider of NinjaOutreach. NinjaOutreach is one of the many tools we use here at The Social Savior, and we believe it’s the best tool on the market right now for finding those influencers who you might have otherwise missed. Check it out!

links photo


Three years ago when I started working online, I read that links were sort of important.

But I didn’t really know how to get them.

So I started with the obvious places – directories. They were plentiful and relatively painless to crack and I didn’t have to ask for anyone’s permission to put links there.

However, this was 2012 and this method of link building had more or less gone the way of the Dodo.

Who knew?

In short – I never saw much from my link building efforts, and from then on have focused much more on content marketing.

To my surprise, writing great content has been a much better strategy for me in generating links AND traffic.

Recently, in an effort to improve our online authority beyond just what content marketing can do, I’ve revisited link building.

My criteria was simple:

● Free
● Scaleable
● White Hat

Was I asking for too much? Maybe. But here’s what I’ve come up with.

Broken Link Building

Broken link building is essentially when you find a page with a broken link and inform the author to correct it (after all, it’s in his best interest to do so from a user experience perspective).

In doing so, you now have the opportunity to pitch your own resource in its place.

What’s great about this is you can specifically target pages that are already doing well in the SERPs, and therefore you know if you get a link it’s on a quality, relevant page.

Here’s a link we generated through broken link building:


Source: http://ogcontent.com/find-your-target-audience-14-tools/

If you want to know more about the process we go through for broken link building, I’ve put together this video:

And here’s a script we might use for that outreach:

Hey Tara

I was reading your post {post – URL} and I noticed you had a broken link pointing at:

{Broken – Link}

Which I thought you might want to fix it looks like you just have some miscellaneous characters after the .com easy fix.

BTW, I have a blogger outreach tool called NinjaOutreach and I’d love for you to consider adding it to the list. It allows you to find influencers in your niche via keyword, as well as reach out to them via email.

Let me know – thanks!

Kind Regards

Mark Samms

Resource Pages

I love building links on resource pages.

They’re high traffic pages that tend to prospective buyers; people who look on resources pages are actively seeking out tools.

Many bloggers have them (they’re a source of monetization), and they’re looking to adding links to them to make them a more valuable resource.

So when I can land a link on a resource page I consider it a big win. It’s like getting a featured spot in an editorial.

Here’s a great example where we were featured on Adam Connell’s blogging toolbox.


For more about my method on landing links on resource pages, I’ve created a video:

And here’s a script I might use for my outreach:

Hey John

My name is Dave and I run the SelfMadeBusinessman.com blog.

I saw that you have a bunch of great resources on {Resources Page}.

I was wondering if you would be interested in adding another?

We have a prospecting and outreach tool, NinjaOutreach, that we just launched and we’re looking to get the word out.

I’d be happy to give you:

● Lifetime free use of the product
● Several licenses to giveaway to your audience
● Affiliate program with 50% commissions (affiliate.ninjaoutreach.com)

We’re looking for guest post opportunities, podcast appearances, and product reviews.

If you feel like adding it, here is the HTML.

<p><a href=”http://www.NinjaOutreach .com”>NinjaOutreach </a>is a blogger outreach software for digital marketers and small businesses interested in growing their presence online. Find influencers, build lists, and send customized all from this simple, software application.</p>

Lastly, please let me know if there is anything of YOURS that I can promote for you. I’m happy to share it on my social media accounts and with my audience.

I just followed you on twitter so I can stay updated.


Podcasts & Interviews

I’ll be the first to admit that podcasts and interviews at not the most scaleable effort of the three as they actually require my presence.

But the trade off is they will actually send you traffic, help you build a relationship with an influencer, and frankly are much less effort than writing a guest post.

Typically, an interview or a podcast takes me around 30 minutes. It doesn’t require any preparation and I can just be myself.

As far as links go, you usually get featured in the show notes. Here’s one we recently did with Herby from Billion Success:


In this video I discuss finding interview and podcast opportunities:

And here’s a script I might use for the outreach:

Hey Anthony

I came across your podcast the other day while looking for startup related shows to listen to while at the gym – nice!

I was wondering if you had any slots?

My name is Dave and I’m the founder of NinjaOutreach.com, a blogger outreach software which launched in January.

We’re a bootstrapped, remote SaaS startup and I believe we have an interesting story and a disruptive product, and we’d love to connect with your audience.

Honestly, I don’t much like talking about myself, but I feel compelled to get out there and I *think* I have an interesting story. In 2012 I quit my corporate job and backpacked around the world for two years, visiting over 40 countries, and starting a few niche, online businesses that grossed six figures in revenue.

Those businesses ended up fading out, and now I’m bootstrapping a SaaS against some large competitors in the space.

Here’s a few references:

Let me know if this interests you – cheers!


While by no means is this an exhaustive list of white hat, free link building methods – it’s definitely a good start. For us it’s been critical in building our brand and growing our traffic over the last few months.

What link building methods am I missing?

davidschneiderDavid Schneider is the Content Director at NinjaOutreach an all in one Influencer Outreach software for marketers. He blogs about business at SelfMadeBusinessman. You can also find him on twitter @ninjaoutreach

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